Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sunburst Half Marathon

At the beginning of June I completed my first Half Marathon! It was exhausting but so worth it!! I ran it with two of my co-workers and we all did great! The race was in South Bend Indiana and ended at the 50 yard line of Notre Dame's stadium (which wasn't as cool as I thought it would be since there weren't many people in the stands).

Summer, Sam and I getting ready to start running

Me finishing


The Schraubens decided they no longer wanted their swingset so they gave it to Kaeden and he LOVES it! It is perfect. Moving it from their house to our's was hilarious! Thank goodness for Doug, Gary and Dad or it would either be still sitting in the Schruaben's yard or laying on the side of the road somewhere. :)

Trying to walk up the slide

Peek :)


The swingset (we do have sand in the sand box now)

Kaeden swinging

Our First Garden

This spring/summer we planted our first garden ever. We planted baby tomotoes, tomatoes, corn, squash, zucchini, lettuce and watermelon. So far, we have been able to pick all but the watermelon so I would say it has been a very successful year! :) Although its a pain in the butt sometimes, we plan on making it a lot bigger next year so we can plant even more. Kaeden is a great helper too. He loves to water the garden :)

Our first ripe baby tomatoe of the year

Kaeden helping with the hose

Such a good helper

Kaeden and his watering can

Friday, August 6, 2010

Camping at School Section with the Schraubens

Over the 4th of July weekend we went camping at School Section Veteran Lake Park in Mecosta County. This happens to be one of our favorite spots to camp. It has a great beach and a great playground set that Kaeden loves. Thank goodness for Grandpa Doug who took Kaeden on stroller rides to go swing at the park in the HOT HOT HOT sun! Kaeden had a blast as he does every camping trip because he is outdoors virtually all day. Here are some pics:

Riley Anne

Mom, Lisa and Barry

Carter and Graham

Kaeden and Daddy

Kaeden and Daddy

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chocolate Chip!

Kaeden has enough hair to do a chocolate chip! Mom used to do this to our hair when we were little :)

Camping at Wabasis Lake

Over Father's Day weekend we went camping with some friends at Wabasis Lake in Greenville. We had so much fun!!!! I can't believe how much fun Kaeden had and how good he was! We were a little worried about how he would sleep during naps and at bedtime because of being in an unfamiliar place but we laid him in bed and he feel asleep on his own like normal! The only time he actually cried was when we were leaving the beach one day because he wanted to keep playing with the "dirt (aka sand), pail and pubble (aka shovel)!". Can't wait to do it again over the 4th with Smith's and Kemmis'!

Eating lunch at a make-shift table

Alexis and Kaeden playing in the sand

Kaeden's favorite way to go down the slide

Going down another slide

Playing in the "dirt"

Friday, May 28, 2010

John Ball Zoo

We took a little trip to John Ball Zoo today. Kaeden loved seeing all the fishies and monkeys! Here are a few pictures from our day:

Sunday, May 23, 2010


With the warm weather upon us, we were able to blow up the swimming pool Grandpa Tom got Kaeden for Easter. We didn't have a pump so Brian and I blew it up manually... It only took us about 2.5 hours :). Oh well, it was all worth it to see how excited Kaeden was!

Kaeden's favorite part of the pool... the waterfall

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


WOW! I've been slacking on the updates here! I'll post more soon (I promise ;) but here a few recent pictures of Kaeden. I love this stage!


Creating a masterpiece with "dalk"

Playing on his truck

Kaeden and Mommy

Kaeden tickeling Daddy's "beet"